Monday, September 24, 2007

Game Review: Halo 2

Halo 2 (Xbox)

Overall Score: 9/10
Pros: Great graphics, voice acting and story, as well as sweet new weapons. And the gameplay is as good as ever.
Cons: A lot of times I just didn't feel like it was very much fun. Sometimes it felt like a shooting gallery instead of a living world.

Halo 1 was awesome, and so Halo 2 had a massive reputation to live up to. I like to say that it delivered, but to be honest, I don't think it was as good as the first game. Since most people know how awesome the game was, I'm just going to focus on the points that I felt were negative.

First off, some of the levels were just really too long for their own good. They just didn't feel fun. Sure, there was a lot of good stuff there, but it just wasn't fun. Okay, I have to be honest, that's my only complaint, but it was enough to drop the game down to a 9/10, so....

Concept: Make an awesome sequel that almost lives up to the hype.

Graphics: Pretty darn good, even if there are a few switching textures.

Sound: Halo in 5.1 is always a good thing, and the score is just as truly amazing and beautiful.

Playability: Gameplay hasn't changed much, just level design has, making the game slightly less fun than its predecessor.

Entertainment: If you're looking for an awesome FPS, even one that isn't quite perfect, Halo 2 fits the bill.

Replay Value: High.

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