Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Movie Review #10: Big

First off, Merry Christmas to everyone out there, I hope that you had a good holiday.

Pros: Funny, interesting characters, good execution
Cons: It isn't really that funny for a comedy

I first heard about this movie a few years ago when I looked up Tom Hanks and all of the different movies that he has done. Big was one of those that was considered one of his better ones, and so I mentally filed away the title, meaning to eventually watch it.

This Christmas, my older sister bought it for me and I watched it, loving every minute. Tom Hanks is completely convincing in the role and is really good at it. I totally believed that he was the character for most of the film, which helped in terms of immersion and enjoyment. The rest of the cast is just as great and memorable, and I really loved everyone in their respective roles.

Now, onto the one complaint that I have: for a comedy, it really isn't that funny. It is funny, with several quite hilarious moments, but overall I found that it was much more of a drama than a comedy. It's a minor complaint, but still, I thought that I should say it.

Overall the movie is great and pretty funny, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in a comedy with a smattering of drama thrown in for a great mix.

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