Monday, October 1, 2007

First Impressions: Blue Dragon (Xbox 360)

Technically, Gears of War was my first Xbox 360 game, but I got Blue Dragon the next day, and really it was meant to be the first game that I got.
Now, I'm around three hours into the game and I have to say, it is freaking awesome for three reasons:

1) The graphics just blow my mind, even on an SDTV. Everything looks vibrant and perfect and amazing. It looks like stylized Japanese clay characters running around a practically photrealistic, but still stylized, environment. It is truly an amazing thing.

2) The music is awesome. Every place in the game world is really just amazingly enhanced by the beautiful and completely memorable music. The boss them sucks beyond belief, but that's a different story...

3) It is a blast to play. To be honest, I'm not that good at RPG's, really I just stink. I love them, but I'm not really good and I usually end up dying and it ends up being that I didn't level up enough so now I'm a really low level character that can't beat any monster anywhere. This game has a little bit of that attached to it, but really, I'm having so much fun leveling up that it doesn't matter. Combat doesn't get at all repetitive, or at least it hasn't yet, and the usually tedious task of leveling has become a lot easier and more fun.

There you go, my first impressions of a game that I probably will not beat for a long, long time. Now I"m gonna go play some Gears of War, so until next time...

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