Saturday, September 15, 2007

Movie Review #2 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Here's the second movie...

Overall: 3/4 Stars
Pros: Still great and witty dialogue, truly breathtaking special effects, and an interesting if not awesome plot still add up to a quality movie experience.
Cons: It's a little drawn out, and it just isn't as good as the first one.

This was on the top of my list of movies to see when it first came out, then when I saw it I was utterly confused about everything in it up until I saw it again, at which point I understood everything in it. However, even then I wasn't pleased with the movie as a whole. First off, this time, they didn't really concentrate on making it just one self contained movie, they had to make it this big thing where there would be a third movie that would finish it all off, and really I didn't like that all that much. Add in the fact that you really had to pay attention to every single thing going on around you in order to understand it completely makes it hard for a person to enjoy it within a casual and simplistic context. The music was good, though not as good as the first movie's, and everything really added up to make the movie a great one, but still, great music, dialogue and visual effects doesn't make up for a confusing plot.

One facet of this movie deserves special mention: the visual effects. Ever since the original Star Wars, everyoen has known what ILM could do, but up until now, they haven't done as good a job as they did on this movie. To be honest, the first time that I saw it, I thought that Davy Jones was simply a guy in a suit with a few special effects touch ups, it was that detailed and realistic. The guys there simply create some of the best visual and special effects ever, hands down, and this movie really shows the quality of work that they can do.

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